As American as Yabloko Pirogi

Friday, March 17, 2006

The origins of American Yabloko

I was racking my brain for something. Just something that encapsulated who I am, where I've been, what I believe. . . . something funny, but not childish; something unique, but not too pretentious; something. . . .me.

And then I found it: searching through
wikipedia (the best website in the world maybe), I remembered Russia. I often think about Russia: I spent two years (1997-1999) there, and it affected me greatly. Here was a land of promise, with an amazing choice before her.

While I was there, one of the major political parties was known as Yabloko, or more correctly "The Russian Democratic Party Yabloko" (or Российская демократическая партия "Яблоко" for you slavophiles out there). Yabloko has since fallen on hard times, failing to meet the 5% threshold necessary to get representation in Parliament. But the idea of "As American as Apple Pie" is fun to me, so I thought having something about Yabloko would be perfect me. It's everyday, simple, and slightly political.

As I sit and watch one country that I deeply love fall, I worry more about what
I can be doing for my country, which I love even more deeply (I wouldn't dream of Russian politics- I think our country needs enough help before we go tell others how to run theirs). Hence, the American Yabloko. Here I will talk about my views of what is going on, at both international, federal, and state and local levels, and why it matters. Yabloko are like the Populists of Russia. Populists are what we need more of in the US. And Progressives. And Libertarians. And Contitutionalists. And Greens. And, in lesser quantities, Republicans and Democrats. So, if you want to be slow and monolithic like an elephant or braying and obstinate like a jackass, go for it. But try to keep the feces off the carpet, because I know y'all ain't housebroken and I know how you like to throw your waste at one another. (maybe we can get your corporate zookeepers to pay for a maid service or something in exchange for a tax loophole). Free minds are welcome. Strong opinions are very much welcome, no matter what side of an issue you're on. Bigotry, prejudice, and ignorance are not.

When all is said and done, I want this to be serious. But serious fun. Hence the title "As American as Yabloko Pirogi." Pirogi are Russian pies. This is a play on words, (one which I stole the idea of from either The Simpsons or Conan O'Brien) and hopefully you get the joke. If not, nod politely and we'll see you again soon.

By the way, my previous blog at will continue to be up and updated for now, but used more for frivolity and obnoxiousness. For some of that, go check it out. Oh, and swearing. And hardcore nudity.